Team Building


capability building

The main contribution of a Coach is to allow reflection and discovery of blind spots that the executive or Coachee may have. A Coach specializes in developing the executive to optimize their leadership performance and manage elements of their work more effectively, offering superior alternatives to address their improvement areas.

Choose this training if you want to:

  • Substantially improve the executive's performance level.
  • Enhance interpersonal relationships of the executive with colleagues and team members.
  • Increase job satisfaction for the executive and team members.
  • Enable the executive to tap into their full potential and ascend to higher-responsibility positions.
  • Drastically improve the executive's leadership capability.

Approximate Time

  • Virtual sessions (individual or group) of 90 minutes of Coaching.

Why Does It Work?

  • It is a quality analysis space where the executive will go through methodological frameworks that allow practical application, generating specific actions and improvement changes.

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